We are a boutique agency who advise, prepare, lodge and manage visa applications for people who wish to live or work in Australia.
The Visa Company is...
Florence, who started it all... she has been active in migration for almost 30 years. Her history includes many years in commercial business as well as being a member of the executive MARA board for four years, and State President of the Migration Institute of Australia (MIA), a position she also held for four years. She is a Fellow of the MIA and Justice of the Peace for WA.

Georgia, who is an integral part of the team coordinating visa applications and administration. She has an uncanny ability to know what we need before we know ourselves. She holds a Certificate IV in Legal Studies and has enrolled to continue her education with a Bachelor of Laws next year.
Cat, who uses the left AND right sides of her brain, has a Bachelor of Design and a Bachelor of Business. Along with application processing, she manages the design and communication elements of The Visa Company. Her freelance graphic design business ensures her skills are cutting edge.
Lisa, who runs a mile when the cameras come out so we were really lucky to get this one. A Registered Migration Agent since 2000, she has over 19 years experience in the industry. Her past experience in conference and event management contributes to the skills she brings to The Visa Company. She is also a Justice of the Peace for NSW.